Angelina Jolie-directed Unbroken is set during World War Two. This biographical picture tells the story of Louis Zamperini (1917-2014), an Olympic runner who survived a plane crash, then endured two and a half years in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp. Zamperini is played by upcoming star Jack O’Connell (who recently appeared in...
The morning after a big night out could possibly be one of the most painful experiences at university. So Due Date is the perfect movie that’s sure to make you laugh, feel-good, and then hopefully, make that hangover just a little bit better. It’s a familiar scene – it’s nearly closing...
Hollywood may be lacking some original scripts at present, but their obsession with existing material has started showing promise. Ron Howard’s latest film, In the Heart of the Sea, recounts the true events that inspired the sinister tale of Moby-Dick (1851). When twenty-one men board an American whaling ship,...
Make love, not war. In Edge of Tomorrow there’s a bit of both, but the film balances them surprisingly well. Set in the near future and telling of a Dunkirk-esque alien invasion that (sort of) wipes out mankind, I hadn’t originally held out much hope for this sci-fi effort, as it...
Following the recent trailer release of Pixar’s upcoming feature Inside Out, there is increasing anticipation for the film’s accompanying short film, Lava, which premiered this past summer at the Hiroshima International Animation Festival. Having never met a person whose face fails to light up when the title screen for these few minute joys...
Focus is directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa and follows Will Smith’s Nicky, a seasoned conman who hires a beautiful young apprentice in the form of Margot Robbie. He appears to school her in the ways of fraud and deception before the relationship turns sour. This is a...
Last week, Disney stepped forward to unveil the teaser trailer for their new feature, Tomorrowland. Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles, is the second to take on the task converting a Disney World parks attraction into a film. The first, Gore Verbinski, had elevated success with the Pirates of the Caribbean...