After 13 years of waiting for a sequel to Finding Nemo (2003), we are finally getting another look at Finding Dory, which will be released in June. Whilst Finding Nemo focussed on Nemo and his adventures, Finding Dory appears to focus on the amnesiac character of Dory suddenly recalling...
Let’s wave goodbye to 2015! Good times, bad times we’ve had them all – but you know what they say, as one door closes, another one opens. Over the coming month we’ll be bringing you a snapshot of everything 2016 has to offer – the good, the bad and...
I’ve no doubt that, after an arduous 13 year wait, the initial cinema weekend opening of Pixar’s Finding Dory will be filled with late teens and 20-something year olds, all ready to dive back into their childhoods. Finding Dory will almost certainly be THE animated smash of 2016. The...
After 12 years of waiting for a sequel for one of Pixar’s most beloved films, we finally have a teaser trailer for Finding Dory. However, despite the wait, it seems as though nothing has changed story-wise and we continue right where we left off. The animation looks very similar...
Because you’re all too busy at the cinema to keep on top of things, Impact Film & TV is here to provide you with a regular breakdown of some of the most important developments in the world of Film and TV… Nottingham Scalarama Festival With the summer holiday drawing...