Manjot Sahota The World Bank estimates that over 500 million menstruating people worldwide lack the resources they need to manage their periods. This is a denial of basic human rights for so many across the globe, in both the Global North and South. In a recent survey, Action Aid...
A student-led campaign has recently been launched with the aim of tackling the Gender Health Gap
at the University. The Women*s Health Campaign, endorsed by the SU, aims to deconstruct the Gender Health Gap at the university and its health services such as Cripps, ensuring that issues that affect women*... -
Ottilie Owen takes us through the events of COP26 Day 9: Gender Day. What promises and pledges have countries made to improve gender equality whilst also trying to avoid climate disaster?...
It’s become increasingly difficult to ignore the gender inequalities plaguing our society. This isn’t an issue solely reserved for women, men need to play a role in combatting these problems. 'Beyond Equality' run workshops with men and boys allowing them to better understand how they can help towards creating...
Globally, women make up 25.5% of legislators, with Rwanda ranking 1st for the greatest numerical presence of women in parliament, and Micronesia; Papua New Guinea; Vanuatu ranking 188th. Currently, women make up 33.9% of MPs in the United Kingdom. When disaggregated according to its devolved nations, Scotland boasts 45%...
Joe Paternoster continues his investigation into whether the University of Nottingham's SU should introduce a part-time Men's Officer. Contrary to the first part of his article, which largely focused on reasons against the introduction of such a role, this second half of the discussion outlines some of the arguments...
As I’m sure the numerous hideous moustaches sprouting about on men’s face (my own included!) have made you aware, it’s currently Movember. This is a month-long campaign with the aim of raising awareness of men’s physical and mental health problems, and, with lockdown only serving to further strain everyone’s...