One Man, Two Guvnors is a big, heart-warming comedy upon which to end the in-house season. Having run at both the West End and Broadway, Richard Bean’s highly-acclaimed play tells the story of the lovably hopeless Francis Henshall (played by James Curling), a man who finds himself in the...
Hilarious, full of innuendos and the perfect way to end the semester – NNT’s production of Richard Bean’s One Man, Two Guvnors is a comedic triumph. A modern-day adaptation of Carlo Goldini’s Servant of Two Masters, the play is a comedy in the style of Commedia dell’arte, or simply...
‘A trivial comedy for serious people’ runs true to its name in this comedically spectacular revival of one of Oscar Wilde’s most highly regarded plays. The farcical comedy exposes Victorian London’s social conventions and the characters attempting to escape these customs. The play centres around the satirical pursuit for...