• ‘Dither and Delay’: Why Have The New Rules Surrounding Face Masks Taken So Long?

    Tuesday brought with it welcome news of the government’s latest U-turn as health secretary Matt Hancock announced that face coverings will be made mandatory in shops from the 24th July. With countless pieces of evidence emerging on the effectiveness of masks at reducing the transmission of Covid-19, it is...
  • Swimming Pools Set To Reopen, But Why Did It Take This Long?

    Melina Williams looks at the reopening of swimming pools and gyms after lockdown and questions why it has taken so long ...
  • For the Love of (Safe, Legal) Beach Days, Just Stay Home

    Summer is the time of year when the human spirit becomes naturally rejuvenated. Cider-suffused festivals and caravan holidays offer us a respite from everyday responsibilities. But the longer we keep breaking social distancing rules during our current pandemic, the further such a season’s richness is going to flee from...
  • The American Lockdown Protests: Liberty vs Life

    Protests have broken out in over 12 states in America over the lockdown measures that have been put in place to protect the population from the spread of coronavirus. Currently America has the highest number of cases and deaths in the world with over 964,000 confirmed cases and more...
  • Food And Mood In Quarantine

    Has your food intake risen since being in quarantine? Do you find yourself reaching more to those unhealthy items? Are you eating even when you’re not hungry? Well, it’s not a surprise. Food acts as a source of comfort as well as a good distraction from current events. It...
  • The Weird and Wonderful Myths for Combating the Coronavirus

    With the rate of coronavirus cases rising dramatically, so have the myths for combating this virus. Here are some of the myths confusing the world. Myth one: ‘Eating garlic can prevent you from getting the coronavirus’. This is an absolute myth! Even though garlic is believed to have antimicrobial...
  • The Surprising Health Benefits of Meditation 

    For centuries, meditation has served as a common way for people to clear away their stress and anxieties. Getting into a comfortable position, controlling our breathing, and allowing the rhythm of stillness to wash over us like an ocean wave are all steps we’ve taken, as a species, in our pursuit of peace.  Interestingly, though, no one really knows where the practice of meditation originates from – or even when it...