With pancake day rapidly approaching, there’s no better time to try a new and improved pancake recipe. This recipe substitutes the conventional flour, milk and egg batter for a plant-based batter. Ingredients: This recipe makes approximately six pancakes. For the batter: 1 cup oats 1 teaspoon coconut oil 190ml...
It is certainly true that alternative diets, or some would argue lifestyles, have experienced a huge growth in popularity over the past few years. The Independent reported that in April 2018 that the number of those identifying as vegans sky rocketed from around 540,000 in 2016 to 3.5 million...
Following scientific intervention and political influence in a campaign, companies producing meats such as bacon and ham have been asked to reduce or entirely remove nitrites from the meats they produce. What are nitrites? Nitrites or nitrates (NO2 or NO3) are formally known as by-product of ammonia oxidation (where...
Looking for a quick, easy soup to soothe your soul in-between revision? Behold Inga’s carrot and tomato soup! This recipe makes two portions, so either freeze the remainder for a quick pick me up during exam week or pop it in the fridge for lunch in the next few...
Dear Auntie Carol… How can I stick to my New Year’s resolution this year? Dear reader… First of all, let me apologise for my absence last week! For those of you who don’t know – last Tuesday was my BIRTHDAY! Honestly, so many unexpected things happened. To cut a...
Trinidad and Tobago has a rich cultural history stemming from its many historic influences such as the Spanish, French and British. “As a result of these influences, much of the food of the island has also been shaped around these influences.” As a result of these influences, much of...
Tea is seen as the cheapest beverage besides water and has been promoted as a health-helping brew since ancient times. As a tea lover myself, I look for any excuse to squeeze in another cup of tea whenever I can. Recent research may actually mean that the more tea...