Sexpression is a national charity who advocate for the implementation of mandatory sexual consent training by universities. Last month, their Nottingham branch teamed up with UoN’s Feminist Society and others to organise a rally through campus. The purpose of this rally was to support their open letter to the...
Isabelle Kennedy-Grimes One year on from the spiking ‘pandemic’, students of Nottingham have been spurred to assess the progress (or lack thereof) demonstrated by club and bar-owners in their efforts to prevent and sufficiently handle cases of spiking. Isabelle Kennedy-Grimes delves into the effectiveness of current club and bar...
In March of this year, the UK government introduced the Online Safety Bill, which attempts to make online pornography unavailable to those below the age of 18. If brought into full effect, it will ensure that all commercial pornographic sites have a duty to prevent children from accessing this...
Isabelle Kennedy-Grimes reminds us all of the importance of investing in yourself and promotes the solo dating and not being tied to societies standards of how to go out and enjoy yourself. ...
Pretty Little Thing (PLT), an online clothing brand, have caught themselves up in a fair amount of controversy recently with CEO Molly Mae’s naïve assertions about equal opportunity. The company have now spurred further debate with their creation of a ‘virtual girl’, an animated female figure on whom they...
The Nottingham New Theatre presents a charming yet cheeky rendition of Oscar Wilde’s most renowned play, The Importance of Being Earnest. The play is a witty tragic comedy which comments satirically on the moral standards of Victorian society. The NNT have succeeded in resurrecting Wilde’s text to make it...