This month there are several continuations of different franchises. Hoping to score the awards-love that its prior film controversially missed out on, is the latest in the Rocky series: Creed II. Lisbeth Salander (Claire Foy, taking over from Rooney Mara) returns in The Girl in the Spider’s Web, a...
Matteo Garrone’s Tale of Tales is unlike any fairytale movie you’d have ever seen. A mishmash of the fantasy, horror and supernatural genres, it is considerably dark, sinister and a far cry from the Disney classics we’re perhaps more used to. Not darker like many Disney live action productions...
The Lobster is one of the strangest, most surreal and original films I have ever seen. It’s set in a dystopian society where single people are sent to a hotel to find a partner within forty-five days. If you fail, you will be transformed into an animal of your...
The tenth instalment in their Cinematic Universe, Guardians of the Galaxy is a momentous accomplishment for Marvel Studios’ perpetually expanding franchise. This is more so due to the film’s ambition to adapt a cosmic comic that is distant and unique from previous superhero films, rather than the film’s actual efficacy....