Quentin Tarantino will forever be known as one of Hollywood’s most iconic directors. His movies have been enshrined into cult legend, yet this year’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has the potential to rival his very best works. Hailed as a black comedy crime film written and directed...
‘‘If I could take what I’ve learned and make one menial job easier for you, or prevent you from having the kind of sex where you feel you must keep your sneakers on in case you want to run away during the act, then every misstep of mine was...
There are plenty of people out there who love reading, whether an English student like me, or not. However, there are others who may need the added push to log off Netflix and pick up a book! Hopefully the quotes in this article will inspire even the most reluctant of...
This instalment of Lizzie’s Lent expect the temptations of internet shopping and book obsessed English student conversations… This challenge is starting to get harder now! As part of the rules, I can browse as much as I like, but this has its own challenges. It feels like I’m facing the book equivalent...