Mayhem follows Derek Cho (Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead Fame), a fast-rising employee who finds he has sold his soul to the corporate world as he navigates his way through his office, which is in quarantine after the outbreak of a virus which rises stress level hormones, causing...
Returning for its 13th incarnation just in time for Friday 13th, Mayhem is back at Nottingham’s Broadway cinema from 12th to 15th October for another weekend of thriller and horror films. Start your Halloween celebrations early at this popular event – and read on to find out what’s screening...
Tom Watchorn continues to review the Mayhem Film Festival for Impact Film & Television. Day Three After the surprise disappointment of Day Two’s final film Stung, it was something of a reassurance that Day Three – the first of the two true marathon sessions and in hindsight prime for...
Impact Film and Television review Mayhem Film Festival, held in Nottingham, 15-18 October. Day One One thing to say for the tidal-waves-of-cinema-to-the-face approach which film festivals provide, beyond the smug satisfaction of endurance challenges, is the fact that by the very nature of the exhibition format the highlights of...
You may think you have seen all cinema has to offer. Then you see a man’s bellend getting chewed off in the midst of a shoplifting trip gone wrong. ‘Aaaaaaah!’ is oddly poignant for how you will feel watching this creation of gorilla-grunts, excessive nudity and savage gore. The...
British fantasy horror film Howl was shown in Nottingham as part of the Mayhem Film Festival. Director Paul Hyett also came along to answer some questions about the making of the film in a ‘Making Monsters Masterclass’. Werewolves on a train. It sounds like a supernatural Snakes on a...
The name of this film hints at two things: it’s not for the faint-hearted and is most likely going to be absolutely insane. I can confirm Deathgasm certainly lives up to its title. This indie horror-comedy, from New Zealand, is about young metalhead Brody and his friends as they...