Annabelle Underdown Malcom & Marie (2021), written and directed by Sam Levinson, the creator of the critically acclaimed series Euphoria, is a film that attempts to depict the volatility of relationships. However, the potential to explore the complexities of a relationship connected to drug addiction and fame, is superseded...
Annabelle Underdown Barry Jenkins is at the forefront of contemporary cinema – alongside other Black film makers he is a pivotal figure in the integration and celebration of Black stories. From Medicine for Melancholy (2008) to If Beale Street Could Talk (2018), Jenkins has always placed Black love at...
Last Monday night, Nottingham Playhouse revealed their upcoming winter season in an exclusive evening of talks, interviews and musical performances, hosted by artistic director Adam Penford and, pleasingly, signed throughout....
Vibrant with the warmth of youth whilst still unabashedly honest, Greta Gerwig’s debut feature, presents the anxieties of adolescence, the impossible task of parenthood and the ever-looming presence of the future in a truly brilliant coming-of-age drama. Just like previous Oscar favourites 2014’s Boyhood and last year’s Moonlight, Lady...
This year’s (slightly belated) Oscars are almost upon us! For me, this usually means finding something yellow-goldish to wear, getting my friends to come over, and eat inexcusable amounts of popcorn until four or five in the morning. While all these Oscar rituals that I have going are mad...
Following the massive media excitement about the first “exclusively gay” moment in a Disney movie – LeFou in the new live-action Beauty and the Beast – which turned out to be based on a blink-and-you-miss-it non-event, I got thinking about what actually qualifies as LGBTQ+ representation in artistic media....
Warning: Major Spoilers ahead. The highly anticipated movie Get Out has just hit UK cinema screens and is receiving a phenomenal reaction, in fact it has already crossed the coveted $100 million mark at box office. This film is a blend of race-savvy satire and horror that demonises the...