• Increased Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

    Prostate cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed cancer, according to provisional figures by Public Health England (PHE). This means the disease has overtaken breast cancer in the most commonly diagnosed cancer in England. In 2018, there were 316,680 cancers diagnosed – the same as 868 cases a day....
  • Coronavirus – How Is the University Handling the Epidemic?

    The Coronavirus originated from a seafood market in Wuhan and has caught the attention of the international community. As of the writing of this article, the virus has infected 9776 people and killed 216. There have been 2 confirmed cases of the virus in York. With it becoming more...
  • Trump’s Middle East Deal

    On the 28th of February Donald unveiled his “ultimate deal” for Middle East Peace. Releasing his plan standing next to a smiling Benjamin Netanyahu, President Trump called his planned division of territory between Israel and a sovereign Palestinian state a “win-win opportunity”.  Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son in law...
  • Coronavirus Outbreak

    On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organisation (WHO) was notified to several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. These reports caused initial panic with little knowledge on how it would effect people. The virus did not match any other known virus. However, on 7...
  • NATO Summit: The Main Points

    On the 70thanniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s formation, world leaders, including Angela Merkel, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson met to take part in the annual NATO conference from the 3rdto the 4thof December, which this year took place in London. Currently, there are 29 member nations and...
  • Nottingham’s General Election Candidates

    News reporter Simeon Lee reports on the candidates standing in seats that Nottingham students reside in.  If you are registered to vote in Nottingham but are unsure of which constituency you live in, simply visit this website and enter your Nottingham postcode: https://members.parliament.uk/constituencies/. Broxtowe Anna Soubry, The Independent Group...
  • UK’s Extreme Inequality

    The UK’s six richest people control as much wealth as the poorest 13 million, according to recent research by The Equality Trust. Within the last decade, the number of billionaires in the UK has almost doubled and the wealth of the UK’s billionaires has also more than doubled. Notably,...