Coronet Production’s performance of The Pillowman sinisterly explores the moral implications of violence in art and literature whilst injecting the play with surprising amounts of dark humour; staging a piece which seems unnervingly relevant. The play follows writer Katurian through a brutal police interrogation into the similarities between the...
Ambergate Reservoir is unlike anything I have seen at The Nottingham New Theatre. The production fuses elements of comedy and suspenseful drama to create a show that showcases director Emma White’s wonderful script-writing and Rachel Angeli’s completely engrossing acting. Christine (Rachel Angeli), a middle-aged mother separated from her husband,...
There was a time, before the emergence of the single origin pour over and pop up Peruvian beard salon, that getting smashed in Hoxton had a very different meaning. The East End of London in the 1960s, as seen through the eyes of Octopussy’s General Orlov (writer Stephen Berkoff),...