Jerome Gerada As the world we live in gradually devolves into more of a twisted dystopia by the day, audiences may feel at ease settling into the fictional world of Arrakis, the main setting for Denis Villeneuve’s new film adaptation, Dune. The 1965 novel, from the creative mind of...
Thirty-nine years after Dan Torrance (Ewan McGregor) was nearly murdered by his father in a malevolent haunted hotel, after a lifetime of struggling with trauma and alcoholism, he is now put in the position of protecting a psychic child much like he once was. All of which poses the...
Despite missing out at the top gong of this year’s Oscars, La La Land’s unprecedented success has still managed to cause ripples in Hollywood’s lake of cinematic universes and delayed sequels. To add to those ripples is the sudden rise of musical films currently in production, such as a...
Bearing in mind this new release is the fifth instalment in the series, it would be easy to think that the franchise should have fizzled out by now, ready to be put down like a dog that has lived its life to the fullest. However, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation...
Tom Cruise returns for a fifth outing as IMF super spy Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation. As first trailers go, this one is pretty excellent. Broken down into almost three miniature trailers each of around a minute in length, the first introduces a new member of the...
Director Brett Ratner’s latest is a mix of action, comedy and loose references to Greek mythology. So keen, it seems, were Ratner and his screenwriters to create this mix that instead made a mess. The script lacks any cohesion and feels as though it was written by a group...