• Book Of The Month: Valentines Special

      “because he is old enough now to know happiness for what it is: brief and fleeting, not a state to strive for, to seek to live in, but to catch when it comes, and to hold on to for as long as you can”   Title: The Versions...
  • The Place is Here @ Nottingham Contemporary

    The Place is Here is grounded in the 1980’s, a crucial turning point in British multicultural politics. It brings together a wide range of works in varying mediums in order to question visitors about identity, and what culture is for. The collaborative efforts of thirty artists make up, in...
  • When Lego characters are more entertaining than real life actors…

    The LEGO Batman movie potentially has the most entertaining opening sequences of any super-movie in the last few years (in fact the visuals throughout are incredible and vibrant), with the opening credits even featuring a hilarious meta voice-over from Batman himself (Will Arnett). Given the medium, this film could...
  • First There Was an Opportunity. Then There Was a Betrayal. Then There Was This: T2 Review

    Over two decades after the release of Danny Boyle’s seminal cult classic Trainspotting, all our favourite anti-heroes are back with new outlooks on life, ready to face new challenges and even bigger heists. But it isn’t the 90s anymore, and with the drugs (largely) thrown out of the window,...
  • Mamma Mia @ The Novello Theatre

    When you experience any form of entertainment – whether it be a novel, a film, a play, whatever – you enter into an agreement in which you promise that, momentarily, you will suspend all predisposed ideas of reality in order to fully immerse yourself into this fantasy world that...
  • Jack and the Beanstalk @ Theatre Royal

    Where could you possibly find the Chuckle Brothers, Chico from The X Factor and Kenneth the mouthy hairdresser from Benidorm all in one place? A pantomime of course! Not just any pantomime however, but the Theatre Royal’s festive extravaganza, Jack and the Beanstalk! Our story begins with Jack (Chico),...
  • As You Like It @ Nottingham New Theatre

    Light-hearted and easy watching, Nottingham New Theatre’s As You Like It adds extra gags and a modern twist to the topsy-turvy world of Arden in this student-led production directed by Felicity Chilver. As You Like It is jammed full of family feuds, match-matching and cross-dressing.  Rosalind and her dear...