Abigail Clark The latest instalment from one of todays most ambitious and experimental directors did not fall short on its promise of head-scratching time manipulation and impressive action sequences – yet many argue that Nolan’s latest film Tenet is not his greatest film to date. Upon first viewing I...
Towards the end of the 19th Century, an ageing lighthouse keeper (Willem Dafoe) is joined by a rookie ‘wickie’ (Robert Pattinson) on a remote island. As their contract drags on, the two men struggle with each-other, their own sanity, and possibly forces beyond their comprehension....
Director Werner Herzog returns to his favourite themes of travel, culture and exploration in this intriguing ‘biography’ of Gertrude Bell, the famous cartographer, archaeologist, traveller and spy. Her incredible reputation in the Middle East during World War One, led to her influential role in British policy-making and helped found...