Laura’s short story reflects on the struggles faced as a young woman starting university. From an early age, I was taught never go anywhere on your own. To take my sister everywhere with me. Especially to public toilets. You hear stories, don’t you? Just last week, as well. All...
Whilst I am definitely not qualified to give cooking advice, if there’s one thing I know how to make it’s a good curry. Simple and tasty, chicken curry is a crowd-pleaser and solid meal for any occasion. Trust me, if I can make it without injuring myself or giving...
The night out dress code varies slightly night to night in Nottingham depending on the type of music, so I am going to break this down for you all. “your tops will be off before 1am in Ocean anyway when Baywatch comes on” Crisis/Ocean: (aka the cheesy music clubs)....
So, it’s the depths of November, the weather is deteriorating, and you’re starting to panic about looming coursework. Through the despair, someone at other end of the dining table whispers about moving out of Halls and into your first student house. “Have you found your house for second year...
The meal card is God’s gift to first years. So many options, so much good food to sample. If there’s one thing I miss about being in catered halls, it’s having a meal card (even if I did put on a considerable amount of weight). Impact have selected the...
Gnocchi? What’s that? That’s what I often hear when I decide to make gnocchi. I discovered this dish when I went on holiday to Italy this summer and I decided to recreate it. It’s a wonderful Italian dish, with the gnocchi itself being a small potato that is similar...
Never had experience cooking for yourself? Feeling a bit rusty after a summer of Mum or Dad cooking dinner? Or just have half-baked ideas when it comes to cooking? Fear not! A few of the contributors from Impact have you covered. It all boils down to having a few...