I’ve no doubt that, after an arduous 13 year wait, the initial cinema weekend opening of Pixar’s Finding Dory will be filled with late teens and 20-something year olds, all ready to dive back into their childhoods. Finding Dory will almost certainly be THE animated smash of 2016. The...
Imagine if the asteroid that hit Earth and caused the extinction of dinosaurs millions of years ago simply skimmed past our planet and life continued the way it was. Earth would have been a completely different planet, and even though Pixar used this idea for their latest animated adventure,...
After failing to release a film in 2014, Pixar is probably hoping against hope that The Good Dinosaur – which was delayed for more than a year and saw the removal of 67 employees – will be a roaring success to end 2015. Yet, despite this, the trailer shows...
Pixar’s latest film, the much-anticipated Inside Out, has just been released in UK cinemas. However, Hollywood moves fast, and we’ve already got a new trailer for their next effort – The Good Dinosaur. There’s much to enjoy from this prehistoric angle. So, here are 5 reasons to get excited...