Jesse Staines Makeup has always been essential to film and television as a form of realism to ensure verisimilitude and the believability of its characters and narrative. However despite its significance, it is generally the most overlooked element of production. The 2019 series Euphoria challenges this conventional role of...
‘I don’t dress cool so men will pay attention to me. I dress cool so thirteen-year-old girls will walk by me down the street and whisper to their friends: “did you see that girls outfit? She looked so fucking cool”’. For Generation Z, Tiktok is the platform for a...
Rising boredom during lockdown contributed to a surge in time spent on the video-sharing app TikTok. However, with the app potentially compromising consumer privacy and promoting problematic behaviours, is it time for TikTok to be...
TikTok is everywhere right now, with its massive rise over the last year it has one of the biggest user bases on the internet. Millie Thomson reviews how some of TikTok's users have taken to the app to share fun quick and often quirky recipes!...
A clear outcome of the current lockdown measures imposed across the world is an increase in activity on social media. Social media has been a huge of our technology-driven society for over a decade now, so the fact that it has perhaps become more embedded into our current lives...
Over the last month, we have had some time to adapt to our changing living environments. Some of us have evolved for the better; others, dare I say it, have possibly devolved. From the simple sloth to the overworked workaholic, we will go through some of the most common...