• Life of a Travel Blogger: Ellie Bobbie

    One of the most beautiful things about travel is making memories, and how better to do that than in a photograph? Ellie Bobbie Photography (@elliebobbie on Instagram) spoke to Impact Travel about her wonderful photographs, travel and advice for adventurers.  Hi Ellie! First of all, would you tell us a...
  • Life of a Travel Blogger: Evelin

    Impact Travel spoke to travel blogger Evelin Babos (@evelinbabe on Insta), about her favourite locations, holidays and her top tips on how to travel safely.  Hi Evelin! First of all, would you tell us a little bit about yourself and why you love travel? I was born in Romania...
  • Revealed: The Truth About Studying Abroad

    Study abroad. It’s a term thrown around a lot at university and, for the first two years of uni life, it’s a mystical and ambitious goal for many students. However, those determined enough to qualify for their year abroad will most likely tell you it was one of the...
  • Brexit and travel: The effect on Brits and EU students who wish to study abroad

    For British citizens, news came recently that the UK would be on the visa-free list after Brexit, meaning that Brits and Europeans alike would be eligible for short stays of up to 90 days either side of the English channel. However, this does not mean that people will reap...
  • Plane Etiquette: A Tale of Woe

    Travelling by plane for most people is an enjoyable experience as they soar high through clouds, and to others, it’s a terrifying experience where death feels imminent. No matter who you are on the plane though, your experience can be easily ruined by other passengers who apparently missed the...
  • Erasmus +: Opportunities you didn’t know you had

    In the UK we have a tendency to associate ‘Erasmus’ solely with courses that offer a year abroad and as an ambiguously-defined institution that awards language students free money to galavant around Europe. In reality, it is much more than this and is in fact a very serious scheme...
  • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas… Stress

    Christmas is upon us, and this year is no exception to the frenzy that usually ensues. The much-awaited Christmas adverts are out; shoppers are sharpening their elbows for Black Friday mayhem; and the painstaking task of fairy light detangling has already begun. I for one am a huge lover...