• The Irish abortion referendum: dividing a nation

    The results of the Irish abortion referendum on May 25th revealed that the Yes campaign, in favour of legalising abortion, had won by an unprecedented majority, securing 66.4% of the vote, with a turnout of 64.1% of the electorate. Under current law, abortion in Ireland is illegal in almost...
  • ABC, Easy as 123…Or Is It?

    The Government hopes to make tests on times tables and grammar mandatory in all schools by 2020 in a plan to improve the numeracy and literacy skills among students. Despite considerable opposition from many teachers in the country, including the National Association of Head Teachers, the Department of Education...
  • Impact world news roundup

    This week, Bitcoin reaches a new low, Tesco faces a lawsuit that could cost the company £4bn, and Trump plans a military parade. Bitcoin falls due to government crackdown Last Tuesday, the price of Bitcoin fell to $5.947, its lowest price since November, when it plummeted from $19.000 to...
  • What Brexit might mean for travel

    Introduced in 1995, the Schengen Agreement allows more than five hundred European citizens to freely move, work and live in most European countries. The UK is not officially part of this border-free area, but still allows European citizens to travel in and out of the country. Crossing borders without...
  • Easier foreign visa rules for students at the University of Nottingham

    University of Nottingham (UoN) joins pilot scheme to make it easier for some international students to get a visa or find work in the UK. The tier 4 visa project will be extended for the 2018-19 postgraduate international cohort, streamlining the application process and allowing students to stay for...
  • Home-run: East London 

    London is huge, and whilst you might know your London Eye from Buckingham Palace, here’s the best of London from my end. I grew up in East London and my friends and I have been exploring the city from a young age. Rather self-indulgently, we always used to complain...
  • Home Run: Norfolk

    Due to its very rural nature and reputation for being a bit old-school, Norfolk is the East Anglian gem that often gets overlooked. In 2015, my family moved from Sussex (check our Dan’s piece on Brighton) to North Norfolk after years of childhood summers spent holidaying here. Coming from...