In response to the blame being placed on students for the rise in Covid-19 cases and the apparent lack of response by both the government and the University, our Student Union team arduously submitted a letter explaining students grievances to Shearer West, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, and...
The University of Nottingham’s cases of Covid-19 have skyrocketed in the past weeks, and show no sign of slowing down. The latest data from the week ending 9th October show that there have been over 1,500 positive cases amongst the student and staff population of 45,000....
Over 100 staff members from across the University of Nottingham have signed an open letter addressed to Vice-Chancellor Shearer West, over their ‘deep concern’ with a recent call for paid staff to volunteer as virtual Contact Centre Advisors and support workers in halls....
Three weeks have passed since students were welcomed back to University in Nottingham for the start of term. During these three weeks, Nottingham has seen the highest number of cases in a week, since the coronavirus peak in April. The week before term commenced, Nottingham only had 98 cases,...
Nottingham has recently seen a surge in the city’s Covid rate to 440.1 per 100,000, giving it the fifth highest rate in England. In a pledge to keep staff, students and the local community safe, the University of Nottingham has introduced an asymptomatic testing on campus from Monday 5th...
As Covid-19 cases have risen rapidly in Nottingham over recent days, a local lockdown announcement later this week now seems inevitable for the city it has been reported. From today, Nottinghamshire residents across the county have been urged by councillors to avoid mixing indoors with other households in a...
Lauren McGaun Today, the University announced that it is currently developing an in-house testing service to tackle the asymptomatic transmission of Coronavirus as students and staff return to campus. Whilst evidence is mixed on the extent of asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19, scientists have suggested that up to 80% of...