Ahh, it’s that time of year again: Valentine’s Day. Singletons across the country will be treated to a newsfeed full of couples that have been spoilt rotten by bae and lavished with expensive gifts. For some the treat lies in re-watching Bridget Jones in a self-induced ice cream coma and fantasising about the future of our love lives. If that doesn’t quite tickle your fancy you can always book a ticket to watch the long awaited Fifty Shades of Grey which will no doubt remind you of the stale lack of bedroom action you’re getting. Ouch.
Being single on Valentine’s Day can be tough, but there is a way you can hold your head (and middle finger) up high to the annual cheese fest and enjoy yourself.
Whilst you may not have another half to share the day with, you do have someone who will always be there for you no matter what: yourself
Valentine’s Day is all about love (or at least, it should be), so whilst you may not have another half to share the day with, you do have someone who will always be there for you no matter what: yourself. Take some time to appreciate who you are without reliance on another person as having self-confidence is a pretty sexy attitude to have.
The next most important person in your life is surely someone close to you in your family, someone who has watched you grow from a newborn into the person you are today and has always accepted you, no matter how many silly mistakes you’ve made in Crisis. Whether it be your Mum or your Uncle let them know they’re appreciated – maybe not with red roses or sexy underwear though.
53% of women would actually end a relationship if they did not receive any presents for this occasion
If you’re a single man pining for a mate you should take into consideration that the opposite sex usually appears to get more attention on this romantic celebration, with statistics showing that men on average spend $168.74 compared to women who spend $85.76! Yet despite this, 53% of women would actually end a relationship if they did not receive any presents for this occasion. The materialistic pressure to buy presents seems more important than ever, especially if you’re a male.
But lucky for you, there is no need to splash out all that cash. Pocket the money you might have spent on a loved one and save it towards a holiday or perhaps an evening of heavy drinking at Ocean Friday…same difference right?
If after all this you still feel like you still need someone to take the edge off, there is no better time to get dating. One in five relationships are now formed online and with the rising popularity of dating apps, such as Tinder, aimed at younger people, there is no time like the present to get swiping right. Either that or you could even have an old fashioned Facebook stalk to find a potential suitor.
So whether you build a fort out of your blankets, have a long phone call with your Mum or get a smoking hot date; don’t let Valentine’s day be a bummer this year.
Zoë Henry
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Photo Credits: smbuckley23 via Compfight cc and Stefan.1080 via Compfight cc.