
Confusion over summer 2018 exam dates reported by students after conflicting University information

Reports that the dates for the 2018 summer exam period had been moved by the University of Nottingham (UoN) have been circulating among students, based on conflicting reports on differing UoN webpages.

The University of Nottingham website currently states that the summer exam period runs from Monday 21st May to Saturday 9th June.

However, on the MyNottingham App and Student Services page, the exam period stated runs from 17th May to 6th June, with exams moving forward by four days.

Reporting to Impact, students have said that neither they nor certain heads of departments had been informed about any changes.

In an email sent earlier today by the Physics department, Physics students were notified of the supposed change to exam dates.

“I have therefore asked the exam timetabling team to revert to the original start date.”

However, in responding to an email by Miguel Barrulas, a third-year Natural Sciences student, the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education, Sarah O’Hara, said:

“The proposed changes were first muted in November, following concerns raised by academic staff about the time available for marking. Following discussions in December, it was agreed that we should pull the date forward by two days to provide staff with the time they need to mark.

“It would appear, from what I am learning today, that the student body had not been appropriately consulted about this change. I have therefore asked the exam timetabling team to revert to the original start date [of 21st May].”

“When they first saw the changes, they thought it was a mistake. “

Darcey Graham, on finding the two pieces of conflicting information, told Impact: “None of the Physics staff were aware [of any changes made to the exam period], including the heads of Physics (Michael Merrifield, Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca, Keith Benedict).

“When they first saw the changes, they thought it was a mistake. “

“We thought this could just be a typo but didn’t want to risk it, especially as we are all part of the New Theatre, which has a show on during the new exam dates,” Darcey continued.

Darcey confirmed that she contacted the Physics Education Rep and Keith Benedict, one of the senior tutors in Physics:

“The Physics Education Rep had heard nothing about this, despite having been in a meeting on Monday. He emailed Mike Merrifield (head of physics), Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca (Director of Teaching and Learning, Physics and Astronomy).

“The most anyone had heard was the Senior Manager of Student Services, who found the information in an attachment to an email sent to the APM staff who prepare exam papers.”

Impact have contacted Student Services regarding the confusion over exam dates but are yet to receive a response.

UPDATE: Cassie O’Boyle, the SU Education Officer, has confirmed that the exam dates have not been changed. This means that the summer exam period will still run from Monday 21st May to Saturday 9th June.

Sarah Lindgarde

Image: Impact Images.

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One Comment
  • Robin thomas
    23 March 2018 at 22:08
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    “The proposed changes were first muted in November, following concerns raised by academic staff about the time available for marking. Following discussions in December, it was agreed that we should pull the date forward by two days to provide staff with the time they need to mark.”

    Who discussed this, and who agreed it? If Physics staff didn’t hear about it before this week then what happened since December to spread the agreed plan?

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