
Unleashing My Inner Child: A Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

girl in field
Imaan Ahmed

During the lockdown of 2020, I made the decision to enrol in an online course that focused on building self-confidence. The course instructor emphasised the importance of reflecting on events that might have led to a decrease in self-confidence during one’s younger years. Imaan Ahmen explores how this process can help in healing one’s inner child and aid in becoming more self-assured.

Starting the process of healing my inner child was not easy as I had no idea where to begin. I decided to explore different methods of healing and turned to Google for guidance. My search results included tips such as journaling and engaging in activities that I enjoyed as a child to help me recall the emotions that I used to feel. I attempted activities such as drawing and painting but, although they were enjoyable, they didn’t contribute to my healing process. Journaling was also challenging because I didn’t know what to write about. I came to the realisation that I had learned to repress negative experiences as a coping mechanism. As a result, I found that healing my inner child was more challenging than I initially anticipated.

I felt privileged to have a body that enabled me to do all the things I loved

Realising that I had come to a dead-end, I emailed my course instructor, and she told me to try thinking of things I am self-conscious of and try to remember why I am self-conscious of those things. This advice was a game-changer for me. By creating a list of my insecurities, I was able to pinpoint the root causes of my low self-confidence and begin working towards healing the insecurities that had persisted since I was a child. 

I realised that challenging my negative thoughts was crucial to overcoming my insecurities. I started redirecting my negative emotions and tried to view them in a positive light. For instance, when I struggled with body image issues, I reminded myself how much I appreciated my body for enabling me to engage in my favourite activities. I felt privileged to have a body that enabled me to do all the things I loved and it helped me to appreciate my body more. This shift in mindset helped me overcome my insecurities and become more confident. 

As I continued to work on healing my inner child, I realised that it was a gradual process that required patience and persistence

I also repeated positive affirmations to practise “faking it till you make it.” These affirmations aimed to reprogram my brain into believing the positive words I was saying, which led me away from the negative beliefs I once had about myself. I found that these two practices were the most effective in healing my hurt inner child.

As I continued to work on healing my inner child, I realised that it was a gradual process that required patience and persistence. It often felt like a never-ending journey. I had to be gentle with myself and allow myself to feel my emotions fully without judgement, especially when I would fall back into my negative thoughts. I began to practise meditation in conjunction with challenging my negative thoughts, using guided meditations on YouTube. This practice allowed me to observe my thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them, and would help calm me down if I ever felt overwhelmed with how challenging this task is.

I also found that practising self-care was an essential part of my healing journey. I started prioritising my physical and emotional well-being by engaging in activities that nourished my mind, body, and soul. I started taking long walks, trying new recipes in the kitchen, and spending time with friends and family. These activities helped me to relax and let go of any stress that I was holding on to.

Through my healing journey, I learned that self-compassion was essential. I had to learn to treat myself with the same kindness and understanding that I would offer to a friend. I started to acknowledge my strengths and accomplishments and celebrated even my small victories.

I discovered that self-care and self-compassion were essential components of my healing journey

Healing my inner child was a challenging yet rewarding journey. Through it, I learned to be patient and gentle with myself, and to question my negative thoughts. I discovered that self-care and self-compassion were essential components of my healing journey. The best way to heal your inner child is by trial-and-error and finding methods that work for you. It is important to understand that this process can be tedious and challenging, but healing your inner child will help you feel liberated and much more confident in being yourself.

Imaan Ahmed

Featured image courtesy of Jackson David via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

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