Jack Richardson After Netflix’s screw ups in Part 3, Part 4 covers how they moved forward after Voltron Legendary Defender and redeemed themselves, by becoming home to one of the biggest queer success stories in animation in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. Netflix (Part 2) She-Ra and the...
Jack Richardson Netflix is home to some quality cartoons, but not all of them can stick the landing. Part 3 covers the unfortunate story of how not to handle representation, and the toxic fallout that can follow. Netflix (Part 1) Voltron Legendary Defender Dreamworks’ Voltron Legendary Defender (2016-2018) was...
Jack Richardson Cartoon Network jumpstarted the current golden age of TV animation back in 2010 with Adventure Time, and they continue to set an example to the rest of the industry, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ representation. Cartoon Network Steven Universe, Adventure Time, OK K.O!, Let’s be Heroes...
Jack Richardson The last decade has seen massive improvement in LGBTQ+ representation in mainstream children’s animation, from Nickelodeon to Cartoon Network to Netflix, and even Disney who have jumped on the bandwagon now. LGBTQ+ representation in children’s media matters for a number of reasons. LGBTQ+ youth are statistically far...
Jesse Staines Makeup has always been essential to film and television as a form of realism to ensure verisimilitude and the believability of its characters and narrative. However despite its significance, it is generally the most overlooked element of production. The 2019 series Euphoria challenges this conventional role of...
Annabel D’Monte Having run between 2008 and 2013, this six season television series created by J.J Abrams was a complete revelation to me when I discovered it on Amazon Prime this summer. Having watched all 100 episodes in a relatively short time frame, I can confidently say that it is one...
Jerome Gerada Through troubling times comes Tenet, Nolan’s newest addition to an expansive list of mind-boggling motion pictures. From Inception to the Dark Knight trilogy, his host of action-fuelled films provide hours of eye-watering entertainment, enough to appease your quarantine qualms. With great expectations looming, could Nolan’s new release resurrect the cinema...