Dear Auntie Carol… What’s your advice for freshers struggling to make friends? Do most people have a varied experience when it comes to making friends? I am finding it’s taking me longer than people around me. Auntie Carol says… There are two stages to my tried and tested (and...
As I sit on the 12pm Cross Country train from Manchester Piccadilly, I am overcome with a bittersweet sadness. I am so excited to be reunited with my house-mates: friends I have known for only a year, yet can’t imagine my life without. I am excited to rejoin the...
Whilst not everyone at university, but certainly a whole lot of us, regularly drink, it is important to keep safe and try to prevent health risks as we do so. Without sounding like an old parent, lecturing you about your drinking habits, I am here to say it’s perfectly...
Dear Agony Aunt… I’m struggling to relax and sleep at night, do you have any tips for how to unwind? Agony Aunt says… I may not be a sleep expert, but I HAVE been given the Divine Right from our God above (Impact‘s Editor-in-Chief, Emma Heasman) to answer questions...
During the summer of 2018, I headed off to Hong Kong for 5 weeks to participate in an International Summer School as part of UoN’s summer school programme. Here is why YOU should do the same next year: 1.It’s an insanely cheap way to travel – unfortunately, there isn’t...
My girl WhatsApp group chat continually buzzes with general random topics like food, fashion and most importantly, boys. Screenshots of conversations ping back and forth and advice is absolutely needed. ‘What do I do?’, ‘I like him but he did this and he treated me like that’ and the...
When deciding to go to university there are always those niggling (and slightly stressful) thoughts at the back of your mind: ‘am I choosing the right degree? Will this help me to get the right job? How am I going to compete with all the cleverer people around me?!’....