• Frozen Ark

    How many animals can you fit in a freezer? Well, if you’re the Frozen Ark the answer is around 5000. Within the freezers of the Frozen Ark are ear clips, blood samples and organ tissues of Arabian Oryxes, Polynesian Tree Snails, Sacred Baboons, Yellow Seahorses, and many, many more...
  • ‘Appy to Have Around

    I once had a maths teacher that would proudly state to the class “You won’t have a calculator on you in the real world” as he set another mental arithmetic test....
  • What is the Destructive Potential of Robots? The Boston Robot Dog

    Roma Coombe explores the destructive implications of Boston Dynamics' latest robotic creation....
  • The Geopolitical Cost of Oil

    Gwen takes a look at the effect the current conflicts in the Middle East are having on the oil industry,...
  • One in Fifty-Seven Trillion – What is What3Words?

    ///Invite.Light.Supporter These are not just three random words that I drew out of my sub-conscious. Rather, these words tell you precisely where my favourite bench on campus is. At this time of year, the autumnal colours are coming through, making it a wonderful place to unwind after a morning of...
  • A Shout-out to the x

    Us Brits have our oddities. We irrationally enjoy queuing, apologising and discussing the weather. We have mastered sarcasm, the deadpan, passive aggression, acceptance at fear of offence, the stiff upper lip, smutty humour and commenting “not bad” when in the affirmative. You can count on us for the perfect...
  • Ecological Disaster from Hydroelectric Dams

    One of the rarest species in the world is now one-step closer to extinction after the last known female died on Saturday 13th April 2019. There are now only 3 known individuals of the Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle left. The 90-year-old female which died on Saturday was one of...