• A celebration of culture – International Festival Week

    As the International festival week draws to a close, Impact spoke to Aanchal Rawal, the International Officer, about the hard work that herself and the International Student Network have done to put together an unforgettable Festival week for students at UoN. Q. What does the international festival week mean to...
  • Building Fences – KiSS Society

    KiSS Society was set up in 1995 to support two villages in Uganda and currently supports 300 children, their families, and communities who suffer hardship. At Impact News we sat down with Ellie Corroyer, who is the president of KiSS Society to talk about the work that they are doing...
  • The struggle to King Meadows Campus: Interview with our Education Officer Cassie O’Boyle

    Many of us have faced the struggle of having a lecture, seminar or really, unfortunately, an exam, on the Kings Meadow Campus (KMC). The campus is situated on the edge of Dunkirk, making it approximately a thirty-minute walk for those living either on University Park Campus, Jubilee Campus or...
  • Rights Lab: Working Against Modern Day Slavery at UoN

    Today it is estimated that there are more than 40.3 million people enslaved across the globe. Whilst it is still commonly believed that slavery was abolished in the eighteenth century, modern slavery claims a strong hold on our current society, with cases even being discovered at home here in...
  • Unconditional Offers: An outdated practice?

    Following the press release that the University of Nottingham has decided to end unconditional offers from this September, Impact went out to get the student response to the news. Started in 2014, the University believed that their High Achievers scheme initially helped to attract applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds but...
  • Should computers replace pen and paper in all written exams?

    Current practice bans typing exam answers unless required for some difficulty. Yet, with university students frequently using laptops and tablets more and more in lectures, note taking has been seen to have become somewhat archaic. Concerns, especially for long essay writing exams, have been raised as an issue for...
  • One Heritage: Providing awareness of both the history and current realities of being of African heritage

    Within the university community diversity and inclusion is something that we continuously strive for. One Heritage is a student-led society and organisation currently best known for their event ‘The Space’, which is a discussion/debate held on campus, regarding issues of concern/interest in the African and Caribbean community. Along with...