Luckily for audiences at the Glee Club, the burlesque and cabaret show The Gilded Merkin showcased their home-grown talent in a sensual showdown of tease and cheek. Presented by Nottingham’s own Scarlett Daggers, the show was kicked off by the producer who put on a fantastic mashup of burlesque...
Title: Olivia Author: Dorothy Strachey Genre: Historical fiction, coming of age Publisher: Vintage (The Hogarth Press) Published: 2008 (1949) Pages: 107 Olivia is a tale of lesbian teenage infatuation set against the backdrop of 19th century Paris. At the age of sixteen, Olivia is whisked away to the finishing...
Dreamworks’ Shrek was hugely popular amongst our generation growing up, so I was very excited to have the opportunity to see the musical adaptation live on stage. Directed by Jason Moore and Rob Ashford, the London Production of the original Broadway musical delivered a feel-good, fun-filled and high energy...
“They seek him here, They seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere! Is he in heaven? Is he in hell? That damned elusive Pimpernel!” Luckily for the audiences at the Theatre Royal however, he could be found onstage last night, and for the rest of this week! In...
Since I can remember I have always loved literature and going to the theatre – so I have been aware, for some time, of Oscar Wilde’s permanently elevated status as Britain’s greatest writer/playwright of the 19th century. He is famously known for his sharp wit and cutting satire, often...
The dry sarcasm that resonates in most of Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost is, perhaps understandably, challenging to enact out within a limited time frame in the format of a vaudeville. Tall Stories’ reimagination of the classic ghost story involves a modified version presented by a compere and his...
I’ll admit that I went into this performance completely blind, having never seen the 1982 film version starring Richard Gere. As an avid musical fan I was certainly not disappointed with Douglas Day Stewart and Sharleen Cooper Cohen’s adaptation of An Officer and A Gentleman. Lively, uplifting and feel-good,...