• Rotterdam @ NNT

    Nottingham New Theatre’s production of Jon Britton’s Rotterdam is a bold, well-executed exploration of some of the rarely-seen difficulties faced by those in the gender transitioning process, as well as their loved ones. Backed by the Nottingham LGBTQ+ society, this play deals with sensitive and highly relevant social issues in...
  • Do I Wanna Know @ NNT

    In a world consumed with the speed of technology, with its broadcasts and social media that operate an increasingly intrusive and looming presence within society where love and loss are often at times romanticised, distorted and inflated beyond veracity. Do I Wanna Know, through moments of comedy and poignant...
  • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde @ Nottingham Theatre Royal

    Adapted by David Edgar and directed by Kate Saxton, the infamous tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde has been electrified on stage in this production. A haunting, dramatic and disturbing play, it explores the hidden evils behind the façade of middle class 19th century London. Like other classic...
  • Black Comedy @ NNT

    Black Comedy is the third of Nottingham New Theatre’s in-house productions this term. It is a one-act, eight-man play that sees a random group of neighbours, parents, exes and electricity men in a darkened room, all struggling to understand what is going on and who is who. Director Louis...
  • War Horse @ Nottingham Theatre Royal

    On the 14th of March, I had the opportunity to watch the critically acclaimed National Theatre production of War Horse at the Theatre Royal. Based on the Michael Morpurgo novel, this version of War Horse is wonderfully adapted by Nick Stafford and presented in association with the award-winning Handspring...
  • Our Country’s Good @ Nottingham Playhouse

    Set in the dusty wilderness of the first Australian convict colony, Timberlake Wertenbaker’s 1988 drama follows the efforts of young, idealistic Royal Marine officer Ralph Clark to educate the vice-ridden convicts through the medium of theatre. Proposing that the prisoners put on a production of George Farquhar’s Restoration comedy...
  • Korea Day @ Nottingham Lakeside Arts

    On the evening of 9th March the UoN Korean Society, together with the Korean Cultural Centre, showcased several dazzling performances reflecting the best of Korean culture. Korea Day quite literally kicked off with a bang as the UoN Korean Society’s K-pop Dance Group performed to Bang Bang Bang and...