• Lounging In Luxury: A Guide To Staying Stylish During Online Learning

    With fresher’s week and the start of University symbolising a new beginning for many students, opting for a fashionable new look is often a rite of passage. Even though in person, contact may be limited, your style need not suffer as this article will be your guide to fashionable...
  • ‘Meet Miley Cyrus… again’: Pop’s Princess Returns to Music With Roaring New Single

    Forced to navigate child stardom, the merciless music industry, slut-shaming critics, and the expectations of famous relatives, Cyrus' life has been much of a rollercoaster. Amrit unpicks the fascinating life and career of pop's scandalous sweetheart. ...
  • From Lockdown To Learning: Adjusting To University Post-Lockdown

    Life under lockdown became the norm for nearly half a year. This means that the sudden change to fast-paced university living, can seem  daunting and off-putting. These natural anxieties are a completely normal feeling and adjusting back to student life need not be a struggle....
  • The Socially Distanced Show Must Go On

    Indie singer-songwriter Sam Fender paved the way for Covid-era live music last week as he headlined the first socially distanced gig of its kind. But with moshpits swapped for platforms, what does the future of gigging entail?...
  • TikTok On The Clock or TikTok To Be Stopped?

    Rising boredom during lockdown contributed to a surge in time spent on the video-sharing app TikTok. However, with the app potentially compromising consumer privacy and promoting problematic behaviours, is it time for TikTok to be...
  • Isolation Baking

    Bored of uni work and finished Netflix as well as Disney Plus? Why not try your hand at baking?! Amrit shares some of her favourite isolation bakes that you can try at home too. ...
  • Blossoms @ Rock City

    On Tuesday 10th March, the Stockport based indie quintet Blossoms brought their Foolish Loving Spaces tour to Nottingham, with their vibrant rock-inspired tracks and melodious acoustic moments bringing an electric atmosphere to Rock City....