Title: Olivia Author: Dorothy Strachey Genre: Historical fiction, coming of age Publisher: Vintage (The Hogarth Press) Published: 2008 (1949) Pages: 107 Olivia is a tale of lesbian teenage infatuation set against the backdrop of 19th century Paris. At the age of sixteen, Olivia is whisked away to the finishing...
Title: the sun and her flowers Author: Rupi Kaur Genre: Poetry Publisher: Simon and Schuster Published: 2017 Pages: 248 Following on from her hugely successful debut poetry collection, milk and honey, first published in 2014, the sun and her flowers was released in October 2017 after a highly anticipated wait. At...
TITLE: Then She Was Gone AUTHOUR: Lisa Jewell GENRE: Thriller PUBLISHER: Penguin PUBLISHED: 2017 PAGES: 424 Ellie Mack was fifteen, a golden girl in her family’s eyes, when she disappeared in the blink of an eye. The novel begins ten years later after she goes missing and sees her...
TITLE: Radio Silence AUTHOR: Alice Oseman GENRE: YA fiction PUBLISHER: HarperCollins PUBLISHED: 2016 PAGES: 403 WARNING: Some emotional abuse and bullying. The perfect September read, Alice Oseman’s second novel, Radio Silence, is a brilliant example of a young adult book that doesn’t follow the dystopian trend. Set in the real world, with A Levels and university looming...
TITLE: The Queen of the Tearling AUTHOR: Erika Johansen GENRE: Fantasy PUBLISHER: Harper Collins PUBLISHED: 2014 PAGES: 488 This novel has been on my to-read list for a very long time, and it certainly didn’t disappoint! As Johansen’s debut novel, and the first of a trilogy series, The...
TITLE: A Monster Calls AUTHOR: Patrick Ness GENRE: Low fantasy PUBLISHER: Walker Books PUBLISHED: 2011 PAGES: 214 WARNING: Story centres around a family’s experience with cancer. Also, you will cry. A Monster Calls is a short novel written by Patrick Ness, from an idea developed by Siobhan Dowd, whose own terminal cancer inspired the...
“Tampon commercial, detergent commercial, maxi pad commercial, windex commercial – you’d think all women do is clean and bleed.” TITLE: Gone Girl AUTHOR: Gillian Flynn GENRE: Thriller PUBLISHER: Orion Boks LTD PUBLISHED: 2013 PAGES: 460 WARNING: SUSPENSE AND SOME SERIOUS PSYCHO S*** Gone Girl is best known by its...