Trigger Warnings- sexual harassment and assault, including rape. Netflix’s supremely sensual romantic comedy series ‘Sex Education’ is receiving world-wide acclaim, as it should, with its lovable characters, relatably cringeworthy sexual encounters and unexpected plot arcs. But the series manages to do a whole lot more than just entertain viewers...
Following the slew of recent mugging related incidences on campus, including one involving himself, Joe tackles the tough topic of muggings, using science to explain why someone would commit such a crime....
Police are currently investigating after an apparent mugging incident occurred on the University of Nottingham’s campus. The police were seen near Florence Boot Hall. A spokeswoman for the University of Nottingham has said: “We are shocked at a deplorable instance of mugging on the University Park Campus in the early...
The Solutions Those in power appear to have no idea what is going on. One day, prime minister Theresa May says that there is no “direct correlation” between the rise in violent crime and the staggering decrease in police numbers since 2010 (a fall of over 20,000 officers). The...
Jodie Chesney. Seventeen years old. Dead. Stabbed in the back, having been listening to music in the park, playing with friends. Yousef Makki. Seventeen years old. Dead. Knifed hours after telling his parents he’d be “home for tea”, having been said to be visiting a friend. These two young...
Earlier this month, a court in Ireland found a 27 year old man not guilty of raping a 17 year old girl, after the defence lawyer told the jury that they had ‘to look at the way she was dressed. She was wearing at thong with a lace front’....
In February last year George Boakye, a 20 year old UoN first year studying Business, pleaded guilty to wounding with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm. At the hearing, the judge expressed the concern that The University of Nottingham has never been informed of the concerns about Boakye’s...