Tim Martin’s poor treatment of his workers during the government lockdown has fuelled calls for a boycott of the chain. Could this hurt the wrong people?...
Emily Cohen is a 24 year old TV production employee who graduated in 2018. Emily has been out of full-time education and in the working world for the past two years. She has decided to create a podcast series to help other students cope and navigate through this difficult...
Marcus Rashford has arguably achieved more for the poorest families in our community in the space of a month than the Government has in the last six. In successfully forcing Boris Johnson to U-turn on a policy to scrap free school meal vouchers for summer holidays, his engagement has...
The UK’s higher education system is one of our most illustrious exports; consistently dominating global league tables for research and, more importantly, teaching. The University of Nottingham with its Russell Group status and campuses across two continents is no exception; at least for now. ...
In early January 2015, the Telegraph ran a five-page feature on the Charlie Hebdo shootings. The feature commemorated the 12 people killed in the Al-Qaeda attack on the satirical newspaper in Paris. On the sixth page of the paper, there was a ten word, easily missed, textbox stating that...
“I wish I had put a bet on Black Lives Matter to score, he’s all over the pitch”. This comment appeared on my Facebook feed while I was watching the Premier League game between Southampton and Norwich. In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter campaign, the slogan replaced player’s...
Firstly, It is important to understand the modern history of Yemen, so as to understand its different international influences. The forces behind the formation of Yemen are hugely important in understanding why it is so conflict-ridden today....