Apparently, the third Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year. And that’s not just because you’re in the midst of revision and you haven’t finished the essay that’s due tomorrow, or because you haven’t been paid since last year. Nope, this is science. Proper science,...
On Boxing Day the Minister for Universities, Jo Johnson, announced that next year a new regulating body will be set up, with the power to fine universities that fail to defend free speech. This is chiefly a response to the NUS’ policies on no-platforming, where students’ unions prevent speakers...
With people around the world rushing to congratulate Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle on their recent engagement, it is clear to see the public interest in both their upcoming nuptials and the British royal family itself. The announcement, however, generates many questions. So are the royal family...
Board games There is more to life than arguing over trivial things such as board games, but when Christmas comes around such logic disappears. Playing Monopoly will naturally end in you finding yourself accusing the banker of stealing the money – and don’t even get me started on when...
The Grinch Who Stole Your Internet Freedom: net neutrality in the US and how it affects us. This phrase, coined by Columbia professor Tim Wu in 2003, is the idea that – funnily enough – all internet providers and governments should treat all data equally: basically, no-one should switch up...
A new investigation by Impact has revealed that the one housemate who never puts the bins out for collection also thinks that Fairytale of New York by The Pogues isn’t that good a Christmas song. Finding time to comment in-between their busy schedule of doing absolutely nothing to help...
A seminar tutor and their class have been trapped in a state of silent and socially painful limbo while the tutor waits for someone in the class to answer a question. The class was due to end several hours ago but has remained in silence while the question is...