Kya Clark has lived in the marshes of North Carolina her entire life, leaving residents of the local villiages referring to her as the Marsh Girl, afraid and intimidated by her otherness. However, when two men from the nearby town become intrigued by her wild beauty, her whole life...
As a rainbow flag flew gently above the Trent Building, at the feet of the main entrance to the Portland building lay another rainbow. Decorated across the road in bright and cheerful paint was the new University of Nottingham rainbow crossing. “A generous crowd accumulated as LGBT+ officer Sam...
The UCU have announced 14 strike days that will span February and March affecting universities across the country including the University of Nottingham. The strikes begin with a two-day walkout that will take place on Thursday 20 February and will culminate with a full week beginning on Monday 9thMarch....
February 2018 had no Supermoon however this year on the 19th February we are due to have the biggest full moon of 2019! This is your low-down on what the Supermoon is, and our recommended places to view it across Nottingham! What is the Supermoon? Unsurprisingly, science and...
It can seem like February 14th is a day when love and romance are capitalised on and red and pink hearts are absolutely everywhere, but Valentine’s Day has a much more storied history than you might think. The roots of this annual celebration are a little unclear, but most...
As it’s February we thought we’d go a bit old school this month and make the theme ‘sonnets’ in time for Valentine’s day. The theme is used in the loosest sense of the word with our poems either using the common form of the sonnet and others the focus...
Monday 29th February 2016 is a day that shouldn’t really exist! Of course, the Universe doesn’t follow our calendar, so the reason behind its existence is not a physical one. Instead, it is an artefact of the irregular way in which we, as a society, measure the passage of time....