This weird, wonderful and hilariously awkward comedy presents a mash-up of the lives and stories of the Brontë family through two actors’ very clever use of physical theatre. The sequence of short sketches, at once poking fun at and simultaneously celebrating the Gothic tradition, was beautifully simple and brilliantly...
Heart-throb or heart-breaker? Man or monster? It’s fair to say that most of us must have come across Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights at some point in our lives so far. Whether this was at school, you simply stumbled across it or even if you’ve just seen the films. Charlotte...
To narrow down my favourite Bronte sisters quotes into a mere five was almost an impossible task. It was like asking me to select my favourite book. I’ve always loved the novels of the Bronte sisters ever since my A-levels when reading Wuthering Heights, which soon became a fond...