Thomas Martin With the 14th October marking the 957th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, this period provides a time for historical reflection on the events that took place on Senlac Hill, and deliberation over the fate of Harold II. Thomas Martin, rejects the accepted narrative of Harold’s II’s...
Ella Pilson Bromley House Library is a grade 2 listed, 250-year-old subscription library dating back to 1752, as well as home to the first photographic studio in the Midlands! This was set up in Bromley’s attic by tenant Alfred Barber in 1841- make sure to add this to your...
Charles Catmur One day, Charles wandered through the Senate Chamber in University Park’s iconic Trent Building, when he stumbled across paintings by William Hoare of Bath. After a some independent research, he details the history and importance of these historic portraits, and encourages you to go and see them...
Charlotte Bowers explores the history of Pancake day and why it is named the way that it is today!...
Jamey takes us on a tour through the pandemics throughout time....
£570,000 of funding has been approved for repairs on Newark Castle by Newark and Sherwood District Council. Impact's India Marriott reports on the new investment....
Charlotte explores the history of the COP summits and what they have (or have not) achieved....