• Scrapbook: Fail-Safe Ways to Boost Your Mood

    Being a student is at times one of the best experiences in the world. However, the complete freedom that university life gives you, combined with the strains of completing a degree can lead to a fracturing of your mental health.  University Mental Health Day took place on Thursday 7th...
  • 100 Vaginas: The Empowering Documentary Breaking Down Taboos

    The bold documentary explores the functions and importance of the vagina and the impact it has on the individual women interviewed. By touching on subjects that have largely been regarded as taboo or stigmatised, for example periods, female masturbation and the vagina itself, it aims to normalise conversation surrounding...
  • Interview – Steampunk Photographer Gary Nicholls

    “The first thing I always say is that creativity is not for the select few, it is for those brave enough to give it a go. The worst that can happen is you learn something.” One of the UK’s most respected Steampunk Photographers, Gary Nicholls is soon to release...
  • Preview: Women In Music

    A highly relevant and much anticipated event, Women in Music is returning to Nottingham for a night of discussion and activism surrounding the gender imbalance within the music industry. The event, held at the Metronome in the city centre on Wednesday 13th March in the evening, will consist of two panels and...
  • The Changing Nature of Film Criticism

    Film and television criticism has existed from the very beginning of the medium. Whether it was the opinions of professionals with copious amounts of knowledge about the field, or those of everyday film goers simply wanting to share how hot they think an actor is, criticism is something which has...
  • Trailer Watch – Frozen II

    When you say the word ‘Frozen’, images of talking snowmen and catchy songs come to mind. Yet the trailer for Frozen II appears as far removed from its predecessor as you could imagine. There are no musical numbers, princesses in castles or cutesy romance scenes that you might expect...
  • The Best of the Best: Oscar Winners of the Past Two Decades

    The last 20 years of cinema have showcased films that are destined to become classics, and with this year’s Oscar’s having just occurred, Impact’s Francis though it to be the perfect time to highlight their personal favourite winners from the past two decades.   Best Adapted Screenplay My Choice:...