You could say the last couple of weeks or so have been great for new movie trailer releases. Finally, patience has been rewarded with another teaser for Star Wars Episode VII, full trailers for Jurassic World, Fantastic Four, and a leak of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice finding its way onto...
“Everyone creates the thing they dread”, claims Ultron as he corroborates his emergence as a formidable adversary to the Avengers. A by-product of the Iron Legion from Iron Man 3, Ultron is an unhinged opponent initially created by Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)to maintain peace on Earth. A physical...
Adapted from Tom Rob Smith’s novel of the same name, Child 44 depicts the life of a high profile Soviet security officer, Agent Leo Demidov (Tom Hardy), as he risks all he knows, or thought he knew, to uncover the truth behind a series of child murders. The trouble...
Ahead of its scheduled Monday release date, the hotly anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer has been officially released by Warner Bros., following an online leak Friday that spread like wildfire. One of the most noticeable aspects of this teaser is the riddance of Batman’s growling vocalisations...
If you’ve heard of Lost River, then you probably have heard not to go see it. Ryan Gosling’s directorial debut has been the subject of much ridicule and barely-concealed smirks, and was booed by everyone at the Cannes Film Festival. The streams of one star reviews came flooding in soon...
The seventh instalment in the explosive racing turned heist franchise, which has surprisingly seen more mileage than expected, is finally upon us, a year later than scheduled due to the untimely passing of its lead, Paul Walker. The film is ultimately a celebration of his memory and his contribution to the...
The first of four collaborations between Marvel Studios and online streaming service Netflix, Marvel’s Daredevil is a fascinating depiction of good versus evil at its core. Marvel’s latest foray in television (or web television in this case) convinces beyond doubt; while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. largely recovered from a sluggish start,...