• Has the Church Cancelled Easter?

    Easter is one of the busiest weekends for travel of the year; many families choose to spend this time to go on a short break to meet up with other relatives. This year, with social distancing policies being enforced, the world will have to spend the Easter holidays staying...
  • We Miss You, Notts!

    With the country on lockdown and only essential stores like supermarkets and pharmacies being open, it seems like now is the perfect time to talk about the spots in Nottingham we miss the most – or at least the ones I’m missing the most. From bars to cafés, I’ve...
  • Britain in Lockdown: Keep Calm and Carry On?

    Over 500,000 people have volunteered to help the NHS during the face of the Coronavirus pandemic, young people offer to do the shopping for the elderly who have to stay at home and local businesses and supermarkets offer a free delivery service. A few years ago, these facts would’ve...
  • Being Back at Home – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Most of us are probably back home, with our second semester being cut short suddenly. Just as we finally settled down and got comfortable after the Christmas break, it was time to up and leave. And now that we’re home for a long period of time, we’ve had to...
  • The unforeseen benefits of battling coronavirus

    The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has swept across our planet, affecting hundreds of thousands of people and unfortunately taking the lives of many more than was initially expected. The current pandemic we find ourselves threatened by is by no means a blessing, however, it is essential to look for the...
  • Food And Mood In Quarantine

    Has your food intake risen since being in quarantine? Do you find yourself reaching more to those unhealthy items? Are you eating even when you’re not hungry? Well, it’s not a surprise. Food acts as a source of comfort as well as a good distraction from current events. It...
  • Home or Away? The Evolution of the Workplace

    The onset of Covid-19 has meant that many more people are having to adapt to working from home and the challenges that this can bring. Yet, over time, traditional office jobs seem to have become a thing of the past from many and employers have increasingly taken to promoting remote working. So what...