Magical action is stepped up a gear in the second installment of the Fantastic Beasts film series. We left the Wizarding World in 2016, with Grindelwald safely detained and order restored to the streets of New York. Apparently not content with destroying only one city, 2018’s installment sees Grindelwald...
2016’s Fantastic Beasts brilliantly resurrected the Potter universe by turning the clocks back almost 100 years to give us a completely new perspective on a wizarding world that was larger and more magical than ever. Again penned solely by J.K Rowling and directed by Potter regular David Yates, the...
With the release of the name of the second Fantastic Beast film, along with a cast photo featuring our first look at Jude Law’s younger version of Albus Dumbledore, Impact looks at the possibilities this new film has… We are familiar with the storyline of Gellert Grindelwald, relevant as...
Spy is a superb comedy that ticks all the right boxes. It is self-aware, memorable, and is packed full of brilliantly hilarious characters with even funnier lines of dialogue. A desk-bound CIA analyst goes undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer and prevent a global disaster....
Melissa McCarthy has an undeniable knack for playing several versions of the same character in the majority of her films, Spy looking to be no exception. However, her consistency in screen presence, slapstick prowess and steadfast ability to hilariously deliver comedic lines more than make up for this lack of variation....
Much like the submarine that takes Captain Robinson to the depths of the ocean, Black Sea takes an interesting set-up and plummets with our expectations. The tense premise brings together a wonderful host of scum and villainy, manning a submarine to recover $40 million worth of sunken gold from...