• Was the UK’s Biggest Kilo Sale ‘Worth the Weight’?

    On Saturday 11th November, the UK's biggest kilo sale company returned to St Mary's Church in the Lace Market, Nottingham. The kilo sale has been hugely popular across the country as it has been travelling far and wide in the UK since it was founded in 2018, promising to...
  • Are clothes to KILL for? Animal rights within the Fashion Industry

    It is estimated that over 2 billion animals are controlled within the fashion industry every year for their wool, fur and leather industries, not to say that many of these are kept captive in brutal, unbearable living conditions and abused for the making of pieces of clothing. With new...
  • Revamp your Wardrobe – DIY Tailoring Tips to Take Your Style to the Next Level!

    Are you sick of your clothes not fitting right? Do you want to make your clothes more your style? Fast fashion clothes are on average discarded after only 7 wears; not only is it incredibly bad for the environment, but also for your wallet. In this article, I will give you...
  • Are the clean-girls killing colour? The damages of beigification.

    The Clean Girl aesthetic has become the obsession of Gen Z, with Ugg boots being sold out from September 2022 to got2b’s hair gel being raided off of the shelves of Superdrug and Boots for the last two years. But what has happened to colour? Why is beige the...
  • scales

    When Will The Bogus BMI be Cancelled?

    Sana Pethurupillai Body Mass Index (BMI) has commonly been used by doctors and the public alike to determine “healthy weights”. But growing criticism and expert opinions suggest that this medical measurement is not only heavily flawed and archaic but can detrimentally affect people’s mental health.  there are numerous more...
  • covid particle

    Could Serotonin Be The Answer To The Long Covid Mystery?

    Vishvajyth Ponnambalam  As we continue to move on from the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers and health professionals are still searching for answers regarding the multi-faceted novel virus that brought the entire world to a standstill a few years ago. Now, new research has been published linking Long Covid to low...
  • Could Global Warming Cause The Next Pandemic?

    Climate change is a serious issue, with arguably the most prominent effect being global warming. This warming is getting increasingly serious as time goes on, with the Earth’s temperature increasing 1°C since 1880, and if the Earth gets warmer by 1.5°C serious irreversible ecological damage will occur. The oceans...