• Is Crime on the Rise as Lockdown Eases?

    As lockdown eases, police fear a spike in violent crimes across the country. In particular, gang rivalries are escalating now, causing the police to predict a huge wave in violence once lockdown is over. Police arrested 70 criminals on the 14th May, who had used the “UK’s road network...
  • For the Love of (Safe, Legal) Beach Days, Just Stay Home

    Summer is the time of year when the human spirit becomes naturally rejuvenated. Cider-suffused festivals and caravan holidays offer us a respite from everyday responsibilities. But the longer we keep breaking social distancing rules during our current pandemic, the further such a season’s richness is going to flee from...
  • Social Media in Lockdown: Friend or Foe?

    A clear outcome of the current lockdown measures imposed across the world is an increase in activity on social media. Social media has been a huge of our technology-driven society for over a decade now, so the fact that it has perhaps become more embedded into our current lives...
  • How Have Different World Leaders Coped With COVID-19?

    There are many factors which make it difficult to accurately compare the responses of individual countries to the global COVID-19 pandemic, such as population size and population density. However, there have been undeniable shortcomings in the US, whilst Taiwan is a textbook case study of how to cope in...
  • Rail to Refuge

    Since the 23rd of March, we’ve all been ordered to stay at home, as coronavirus tears through the world. These measures were put in place to reduce death rates, flatten the curve and keep us safe. But what about those who don’t feel safe at home? An unfortunate side...
  • Are Parents and Teachers Right to Fear the Reopening of Schools?

    Upon listening to the Prime Minister’s speech on Sunday evening, I experienced a brief moment of euphoria at the prospect of my 6-year-old stepbrother returning to school in June as part of the phased return of pupils. This moment was short lived, however, as I started to question –...
  • Why I’ve Hit the Brakes on Online Dating During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Thanks to the lockdown-inducing behaviour of COVID-19, many of us have been turning to dating apps to keep us occupied. It seems like the perfect chance to create a firm base of contact with other singletons; what else have they got to do other than watch Normal People and...