Sarah Harris **Warning – Spoilers Ahead** After Marvel explored new territories with the hit series, WandaVision, expectations for their next Disney+ series, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, were high. It’s important that Marvel are finally using their platform to create a dialogue on important and relevant issues If...
Sarah Harris Warning: Spoilers ahead It was difficult to understand what direction the creators of the Disney+ series, WandaVision, were headed in early on in the series. The show follows on from the aftermath of Thanos’s demise and follows characters, Wanda Maximoff and the resurrected Vision, in a post...
Rebecca Barton The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most discussed and watched franchises in the world, littered with both films and television series that intricately connect to one another. Like much that it has paused, COVID-19 has seen a postponement of cinema releases, starving the Marvel-mad among...
Ten years in the making and it’s finally here. Released in cinemas on Thursday 26th April Avengers: Infinity War is already breaking box office records, officially making it the most successful film of all time in its opening weekend, smashing Star Wars: Force Awakens by approximately $90 million. But...
February may be the shortest month, but we’re certainly not short of great film releases. Denzel Washington and Daniel Day-Lewis give Oscar-nominated performances as a shy lawyer in Roman J. Israel, Esq. and an obsessive 1950s dressmaker in Phantom Thread, respectively. Of course, if awards-bait isn’t your thing, Helen...
Marvel relish in the opportunity to throw in little nods and calls to other characters and events in their cinematic universe, whether it be in passing conversations or glimpses of newspaper headlines. These Easter eggs are great fun, but only if you’ve seen all of the films – and...
The battle between Marvel and DC sometimes seems as old as time itself, but in recent cinematic history Marvel’s Cinematic Universe undoubtedly has had the upper hand over DC’s string of predominately sub-par movies. However, as the franchise edges closer to the big blowout that is Infinity War, yet...