A thought-provoking and stimulating story of a world in which climate change has forced all of humanity to change how they live, Rising Tides by Emma White rises highest when it focuses on the personal relationships borne out on stage. Despite the play’s setting, a near-future Earth where climate...
Powerful, intense, and at times, harrowing are just a few ways to describe the new production of Anna Jordan’s modern play, Freak. The audience are instantly fixated on Lara Cowler and Kate O’Gorman who play Georgie and Leah, keeping the audience fully engaged with the story through a series...
The expectations given with any Agatha Christie-based plot, when concerning the mystery genre, will always be notably high. The expectations for arguably her most popular work And Then There Were None are no different. A plot strewn with mystery, murder and remarkable precision for detail has never failed to...