Kayleigh Moore With restrictions lifting, cafes and restaurants are now allowed to open again but its not just Nottingham City Centre with great food. Beeston is a hub for great dining, whether it’s an afternoon coffee or a meal out to celebrate the end of exams, there are some...
Moving to a new city can be daunting, and many find meeting new people as well as adjusting to your new surroundings to be overwhelming. So to help, Impact have rounded up some of the best bars and restaurants in the city to make you feel a bit more...
You know the feeling. Your head is pounding, your stomach is growling and you didn’t manage to make a late night trip to Maccies. You just need something to make you feel slightly more human and less like a zombie. Have no fear, here are the top food recommendations...
The night out dress code varies slightly night to night in Nottingham depending on the type of music, so I am going to break this down for you all. “your tops will be off before 1am in Ocean anyway when Baywatch comes on” Crisis/Ocean: (aka the cheesy music clubs)....
Have you ever been in a situation where your friend or family member has picked you up – possibly over the limit, or using their phone whilst driving? How does it make you feel? Do you speak up or keep quiet? Arguably, there are many reasons why you would...
We’ve all been there (or many of us, at least): you’ve overdone it at pre-drinks, peaked too soon. It’s not even 11pm and you feel as if you’re going to die. However, you are not one to let your stomach defeat you, oh no. A dedicated sesh-head to the...
Ah, YoYo Thursdays. For the first six weeks of university, there wasn’t a single one I didn’t go to. One of Nottingham’s newest nightclubs, with what is (in my opinion) a banging playlist, Pom Pom is always a safe bet for a good night out. Last semester, I had...