In a recent article by BPS Research Digest, Christian Jarrett claims that ‘perhaps teens are too cynical to benefit from mindfulness’. Based off negative research findings by Flinders University in Australia, the article explains a study in which a group of children were exposed to mindfulness practices to see...
From 21st to the 28th April 2017, I attended the annual conference/exhibition held by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISMRM is a globally recognised society and its annual meetings draw in thousands of experts and students whom attend in order to...
The term scientific fact has been coined throughout history to stamp a sure-fire statement as a hard-nosed fact. This fact describes a truth that has evolved out of meticulously collected evidence, to support a well-grounded theory. Today, scientific evidence is deemed so reliable that it largely dictates how we...
We are living in a time where antibiotics are used as the ‘cure-all’, but imagine a hospital visit for minor surgery where antibiotics are no longer able to prevent us dying from a routine bacterial infection. This dystopian future has been described as “the return to the era before...
Over a third of British students find jobs “online” to fund university life, new research has revealed. Money saving website www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk has discovered that 23% of UK students who worked online to fund university life sold clothes, whilst 19% undertook “webcam work” and 11% worked in pornography. A total...