• Album Review: Michael Kiwanuka – KIWANUKA

    I’ll point out now that Michael Kiwanuka is a Brit-nominated artist with a number-one album under his belt, but I won’t mention anything about his commercial success from hereon out. Listening to his newest album, KIWANUKA, feels like racking up numbers and ticking boxes is the least of its...
  • Great Road Trip Albums: Scrapbook

    Road trips are a perfect way to focus attention on music and LPs, whilst taking in the many landscapes on your journey. (Albeit the trip to Nottingham on the M1 isn’t that extraordinary.) As students, most of our time is taken up with revision, writing essays, and getting involved...
  • Musical ghost stories: have these musicians lived beyond the grave?

    There are many conspiracy theories based around the death of famous musicians. But what if these musicians actually did die, and they came back to life through the supernatural? Have their spirits lived on through death? Read these ghostly stories, if you dare… David Bowie Lorde was a big...